Last weekend I was given the opportunity to get out of town (away from the G20 Summit) and head up north for some camping. Now, if you know me, you know I have never camped a day in my life. Pretty sure I could never even make it through a night in a tent in my own backyard when I was a kid. Well, I have grown up since then, and camping didn't sound at all like a bad idea to me. I felt like being adventurous.
To make this a little more spontaneous, I was not even at home when I was asked to go. In fact, I was laying poolside enjoying the sun with my mom and Nana. I had minimal things on me, so in order to go camping I ran to WalMart and spent a crap load on clothes and on everything I would need. I was having a blast! I mean I had never been camping, and to go for the first time unprepared?! My best friend had a good laugh at me. I believe her words were: "You? Camping??? Hahahaha!" Thanks! I love you too. haha.
To spare you all of the details, it rained. Hard. We decided not to camp after a 20 minute boat ride during a torrential downpour. I learned not to use the blue bag I had my clothes in as it turned my clothes blue when it got soaked. My hands were also blue. I looked like smurf. All I could do was laugh at my first attempt at camping. Despite the pouring rain, being soaked, and having blue dye everywhere, I was actually enjoying every minute of it.
Instead of just packing it in and going back to the city, 2 of us decided to stay at his mom's house (a very beautiful one I might add) on a nearby lake. The house was on Sturgeon Lake. This has meaning to me. My old family cottage was located on the exact same lake, and this is where I had spent many of my childhood summers. We drove through Bobcaygeon, the lovely, lovely Bobcaygeon. Just going through the town brought back so many memories. It was just how I remembered it. The locks where all of the boats would come in, my favourite candy store where they also had the best frozen yogurt...I was a little overwhelmed with emotion. I didn't realize what seeing this place again would do to me. I realized very quickly that I missed it. It had been about 10 years since I've been up there.
So, the weekend didn't turn out as planned whatsoever, but it was a great one. I really enjoyed being out of the city and somewhere so peaceful and relaxing. I definitely need to have that in my life again, even if that means just renting a cottage for the week. It's definitely worth it. So yes, I have made the decision that cottage life is going to be part of my life.
Maybe I'll even give camping another shot sometime! I'll just make sure there is no rain in the forecast first!
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