On weekends that we actually get perfect Summer weather, it's essential that we take advantage of it. So that is exactly what I did!
On Saturday I opened my brand new book, "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, put on my bikini and went outside to read it. I never thought I would read this book, I mean I had seen it on book shelves for ages. But, when I saw Julia Roberts on Oprah last week talking about her role in the movie adaptation coming out in August, I was intrigued. Later in the show the author was also on and at that point I knew I needed to buy this book. I wanted to read about her year of self discovery in Italy (eat), India (pray) and Indonesia (love). I did exactly what they wanted me too! I am already hooked!
I made sure to slather on the SPF 30, but that wasn't good enough. I have some really weird looking burns! Welcome to Summer! haha
On Sunday I decided that it would be a perfect day to head to Toronto and go for a walk with some good company. That's one of things I miss most about living downtown, going for walks on beautiful sunny days. So we started out at a really nice little place in Bloor West Village (looooveee) for Brunch and then walked through the lovely High Park. We walked through the park until we were at the Lakeshore. So we got some ice cream and walked along the beach. I don't know who thinks its a good idea to swim in Lake Ontario?! But there was plenty of that going on!
My feet were sore and a little blistered by the end of the day, but I don't even care. These are the summer days that I live for.
I'm reading that right now too! I had started it a loooong time ago, and kind of lost interest (in the beginning of India..) I knew the movie was coming out so I decided that I'd not finish the book and just see the movie! (which is unusual for me cause everyone knows that the book is aaaaalways better than the movie. aand then I was flipping through the channels and saw Julia Roberts on Oprah! I decided that I was going to finish it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The next day I got an urge to clean my room and there it was, in the corner covered with dust! So I opened it up and continued to read. I'm now in Bali! Wait til you learn some things about Bali ;) So awesome that you're reading this too! Wouldn't it be fun to go on a journey for self discovery?