Birds of Wales My good friends in the band 'Birds of Wales' have their album "Belgravia Hotel" hitting store shelves and iTunes Tuesday April 13th. I highly recommend you go out and pick it up. There are tunes that will make you wanna dance (Some People Tell Me) and tunes you just have to listen to as loudly as possible to soak it all in (Tin Soldier). This album has heart! You won't be disappointed! This has been a long time coming, I am so glad it's finally here!
They just came off a brief tour with electro pop band 'Dragonette' and they were nice enough to make a little video of their tour! If you look closely, you might even catch a glimpse of me on set of their music video for "Uninteresting." Check it out!
I became a fan of NBC's The Biggest Loser during season 8 this past September. After the first episode I had to wonder why I never bothered to watch this show before. This is the kind of show I love. It quickly became a show that my family and I watch together every Tuesday night. Anytime that I think I can't do something like lose that last 10lbs, I just have to look at these contestants and see what they have overcome and realize that if they can lose hundreds of pounds, I can lose 10. Too bad the last 10 are the hardest haha!
First off I love the trainers, Jillian and Bob. They balance each other out well on the show. Bob has a tough but positive approach and Jillian is loud and tough and you just do what she tells you. As tough as they both are though, they both have hearts of gold. I see Jillian Michael's posts on Facebook, she is always helping people!!! She has a new show coming to NBC as well, it's called "Losing It." Don't know too much about it right now, just what I read from her posts, but it appears she travels around the US and helps out one family at a time.
So, as part of my 2010 fitness goal I went out and bought a Biggest Loser workout DVD. There were many to choose from, so after much debate I settled on the "Last Chance Workout" knowing full well I was going to get my ass kicked. Just how I like it!
The DVD is set up like this: It's broken down into 6 weeks. You do the workout 6 days a week, which I have yet to do, but I do get my regular gym workout in as well. Each day changes, Monday for example is the Last Chance Workout, and Tuesday is Toning and it continues just like that....until the last week or two when its combined. Its the perfect balance. The beauty of this is its not just cardio. Its actually a full circuit workout. 30 seconds of Cardio and 30 seconds of Strength.I got this from a review on Amazon. "It's a "HIIT" workout which is a model for highest calorie burn. Studies have shown that when you increase your heart rate with cardio then keep it elevated while combining toning and strength exercises and utilize some core floor work in modules, you get double the results. Cardio burns calories during the workout but you recover quickly and your heart rate recovers and lowers. However, when you add strength training with cardio, you continue to burn more calories long after the workout is over and also add muscle which increases your metabolism and allows your body to burn more calories even while at rest--although strength burns less calories during the workout. So, combining the two is always going to give you better results and faster results which is the entire premise of the workouts you see on the Biggest Loser."After the first workout I was sore for almost a week! Amazing.
What I also love about this workout is the cast. Its all Biggest Loser contestants, not people who are already ripped. Anytime I feel like quitting I just look at the contestants and when you see Danny for example, the winner of Season 8 and know he lost 239lbs (the most ever on the show), its real motivation to keep going. It helps me when Jillian yells "Don't you dare think about quitting! Do you want get skinny or not? Shut up and do your Mountain Climbers!"
I was on set of a music video as an "extra" earlier this week. There was 6 girls in total.
I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about my career goals and being in this video just proved something to me. I will always be the background performer. Never the talent. As a petite brunette I am constantly looked over. I am just not cut out for TV.
I was placed at the back of the pack and all of the blondes and a stunning edgy redhead were front and centre. That's what happens on set. I have been in several movies/TV shows/music videos in the past and nothing has changed. Now don't get me wrong, I had a blast and enjoyed every minute of being there, this was just a realization...a wake up call.
After they yelled "that's a wrap!" the first AD or producer or something walked up to the stunning edgy redhead and shook her hand and told her what a pleasure it was to work with her (for 30 minutes) and he just praised her hardcore. Then he looked at me and said "thanks." We did the same job. It was at that moment that I realized that things will never change.
Oh well, the video will still be awesome. I am so happy that I was apart of it.